Inductive coils, as basic components in circuits, are widely used in automobiles, such as solenoid valves, motors, generators, sensors, and control modules. Understanding the working characteristics of coils correctly lays a solid foundation for mastering the working principles of these components.
The function of inductors for automotive control switches.The inductor used in automobiles is one of the three essential basic components in circuits.
The inductors used in automobiles are mainly applied in the following two main areas: traditional electronic products, such as car audio, car instruments, car lighting, etc. The second is to improve the safety, stability, comfort, and entertainment products of automobiles, such as ABS, airbags, power control systems, chassis control, GPS, etc.
The main reason why inductors used in cars are widely used in the automotive industry is due to the harsh operating environment, high vibration, and high temperature requirements. Therefore, a relatively high threshold has been set for supporting electronic components to enter this industry.
Several commonly used automotive inductors and their functions.The Chinese automotive electronics market has entered a period of rapid development, driving the demand for magnetic components. Due to the harsh operating environment, high vibration, and high temperature requirements of automobiles, the quality requirements for magnetic component products are particularly strict.
There are some several common types of automotive inductors :
1. High current inductance
Dali Electronics has launched a car inductor with a size of 119, which can be used in the temperature range of -40 to+125 degrees. After applying a 100V DC voltage between the coil and magnetic core for 1 minute, there was no insulation damage or damage R50=0.5uH, 4R7=4.7uH, 100=10uH inductance value.
2. SMT power inductance
This car inductor is a CDRH series inductor, with a 100V DC voltage applied between the coil and magnetic core, and an insulation resistance of over 100M Ω The inductance values for 4R7=4.7uH, 100=10uH, and 101=100uH.
3. High current, high inductance power inductors for electric vehicles
The latest newly introduced shielded power inductor in the market is suitable for electric vehicle start stop systems that require high current power supply and filtering, with inductance values ranging from 6.8 to 470? H. The rated current is 101.8A. Dali Electronics can provide customized products with customized inductance values for customers.
From the above new products of automotive electronic magnetic components, it can be seen that with the popularization of multifunctional applications in automotive electronics, magnetic components are developing towards high frequency, low loss, high temperature resistance, and strong anti-interference ability. Dali Electronics has achieved remarkable research results in automotive inductors/transformers.
Here are some functions of automotive power inductors:Current blocking effect: The self induced electromotive force in the coil always opposes the changes in current in the coil. It can be mainly divided into high-frequency choke coils and low-frequency choke coils.
Tuning and frequency selection function: Inductive coils and capacitors can be connected in parallel to form an LC tuning circuit. If the natural oscillation frequency f0 of the circuit is equal to the frequency f of the non AC signal, then the inductance and capacitance of the circuit are also equal. Therefore, electromagnetic energy oscillates back and forth between the inductance and capacitance, which is the resonance phenomenon of the LC circuit. During resonance, due to the inverse equivalence between the inductance and capacitance of the circuit, the inductance of the total current in the circuit is the smallest and the current is the largest (referring to the AC signal with f=f0). Therefore, the LC resonant circuit has the function of selecting the frequency and can select the AC signal with a certain frequency f.
Post time: Dec-04-2023