As a widely used electronic component, SMT inductors have very important applications in many electronic products. SMT inductors are actually applied in many smart devices, for example, we have made new progress in the application of SMT inductors in the field of smart elevators in recent years.
The application of SMT inductors in smart elevators is a significant challenge for both smart elevator manufacturers and inductor manufacturers. Ourl team have following up on the SMT inductor application solution for this smart elevator for over a year. In the design of smart elevator doors, the customer considered the possibility of installation errors. In order to ensure consistent signal strength during the rotation process, the preliminary solution plan is to use the principle of inductive magnetic field to achieve the goal.
Our team initially attempted to match different materials and other series of SMT inductors according to customer requirements, but the debugging results were not ideal. Based on the feedback from the initial debugging results, the technical department further summarized and analyzed, and then readjusted and matched the other part number SMT inductor. During the initial testing by the customer, it was found that the performance was not stable enough during small-scale trial production. Our team is currently seeking solutions to the current problems.
The application of SMT inductors in smart elevators has significant specificity. In this case, the chip passively receives signals, while the inductor is the core component for transmitting signals. In order to solve this problem, our team maintained close communication with the customer’s technical department and jointly decided to continue to try further by adjusting the inductance and capacitance and applying the LC waveform signal principle. Our technical team always maintains communication with customers and constantly adjusts plans.
We provides independent project solutions for each case, and each project is both independent and closely related to each other. Independently, each case is a tailored plan; Closely linked is the 20-year history of COMIX brand inductor OEM, as well as the accumulated experience of inductor application in different industries. This business model provides customers with more professional and efficient services.
Let’s look forward to the new progress of this case and believe that with the efforts of our technical team, we will bring satisfactory intelligent elevator door inductance application solutions to our customers.
Post time: Dec-13-2023